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Spe­cial edi­ti­ons from ORTHOPÄDIE TECHNIK

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OTWorldInter­na­tio­nal Issue-
OT 10/2017
L. ÖksüzThe Effect of Dyna­mic Car­bon Inso­les in Run­ning Sports
OT 08/2017
M. Benning/R. Schneider-NieskensSupe­rio­ri­ty of a Knee Reli­ef Ortho­sis in the Tre­at­ment of Knee Osteoarthritis
OTWorld 2016
Ditt­merOrtho­pae­dic Tech­no­lo­gy from Ger­ma­ny – An export model with a 120-year tradition
OT 11/2014
S. Domayer/M. Schmidt/N. Kommer/S. Geisler/K. Schüller/M. Schäfer/K. PohligCom­pa­ri­son of the Usa­bi­li­ty of the ReWalk, Ekso and HAL Exo­ske­le­tons in a Cli­ni­cal Setting
OT 09/2014
Nitschke/Kuhn/Fischer/RöhlCom­pa­ri­son of the Usa­bi­li­ty of the ReWalk, Ekso and HAL Exo­ske­le­tons in a Cli­ni­cal Set­ting­Com­pa­ri­son of the Usa­bi­li­ty of the ReWalk, Ekso and HAL Exo­ske­le­tons in a Cli­ni­cal Setting
OT 08/2014
Schäfer/Dreher/Muders/KunzPro­sthe­tic Fit­ting after Fin­ger and Hand Amputations
OT 07/2014
Inter­view with Hugh Herr“Pro­found ver­sa­ti­li­ty will only be achie­ved once we have an inter­face to the brain”
OT 06/2014
Schmalz/PröbstingCom­pa­ri­son of the C‑Brace® ortho­tro­nic mobi­li­ty sys­tem and con­ven­tio­nal leg orthoses
OT 05/2014
Schäfer/PohligThe Poh­lig Bio­nic Socket Sys­tem (PBSS)
OT 05/2014
Hoch­mannTest­ing Pro­ce­du­res for Ank­le-Foot Orthoses
OT 01/2013
Pahl/AubergerKnee-Ank­le-Foot Ortho­sis with Con­trol­led Swing and Stance Phase
OT 05/2009
Bellmann/Schmalz/BlumentrittFunc­tion­al Prin­ci­ples of Cur­rent Micro­pro­ces­sor-Con­trol­led Pro­sthe­tic Knee Joints
OT 04/2009
Laube/KannenbergThe Effect of a Soft Knee Ortho­sis in Dif­fe­rent Jum­ping Tasks in Pati­ents five Years after Cru­cia­te Liga­ment Reconstruction

OT 03/2009
Hesse/Bardeleben/Rembitzki/WernerCli­ni­cal and Gait Ana­ly­sis Data on the Should­er Ortho­sis OmoNeurexa
OT 11/2008
Becker/Schmidt/Gansen/HagelAppli­ca­ti­ons of Poly­ure­tha­nes in Ortho­pe­dic Technology
OT 06/2008
Schmalz/Knopf/Drewitz/BlumentrittPro­of of Effec­ti­ve­ness of a Val­gi­sing Gonar­thro­sis Ortho­sis by means of Bio­me­cha­ni­cal Analyses
OT 02/2002
MünchPro­of of Func­tion­a­li­ty of the Heel Reli­ef Ortho­sis accor­ding to Dr. Settner/Münch