
How­ToTre­at is the offi­ci­al Eng­lish trade jour­nal for pro­fes­sio­nal pro­sthe­tists and ortho­tists exclu­si­ve­ly for the world con­gres­ses “OTWorld” and “ISPO World Con­gress” sin­ce 2019. It sum­ma­ri­zes prio­ri­ties of ortho­pe­dic tech­no­lo­gy that are of gene­ral inter­na­tio­nal inte­rest. In addi­ti­on, spe­cial focal points for the respec­ti­ve mar­ket are taken up. The Edi­to­ri­al Board con­sists of experts from ISPO / Ger­man OT, inter­na­tio­nal experts and regio­nal experts. HTT will be stron­gly ori­en­ted towards the craft and the prac­ti­cal, orthopedic-technical supply.

OT World Edi­ti­on 2024

Main Topics are:

  • Neu­ro Orthopaedics
  • Reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on
  • Para­lym­pics


Click here to download!

ISPO World Con­gress Edi­ti­on 2023

Main topics are:

  • Pro­sthe­tics
  • Digi­ti­sa­ti­on
  • Mate­ri­als

Eng­lish, Spanish

Click here to download!


OTWorld Edi­ti­on 2022:

Main topics are:

  • Upper limb prosthetics
  • Lower limb prosthetics
  • Neu­ro-ortho­pae­dics









Click here to download!

ISPO Edi­ti­on 2021:

Main topics are:

  • Ortho­tics
  • Pro­sthe­tics
  • Digi­ti­sa­ti­on

Click here to download!

Kobe Edi­ti­on 2019:

Main topics are:

  • Pro­sthe­tics
  • Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on
  • Inso­les
  • 3D Prin­ting

Click here to download!


How­ToTre­at is sup­port­ed by the fol­lo­wing organisations:

Bun­des­in­nungs­ver­band für Orthopädie-Technik
(Ger­man Asso­cia­ti­on of Ortho­pae­dic Technology)

Inter­na­tio­nal Socie­ty for Pro­sthe­tics and Ortho­tics (ISPO)

The edi­to­ri­al board of the jour­nal is also sup­port­ed by the fol­lo­wing institutions:

Ver­lag Ortho­pä­die-Tech­nik (Ver­lag OT)

Bun­des­fach­schu­le für Ortho­pä­die-Tech­nik e.V. (BUFA)
(Fede­ral Aca­de­my of Ortho­pae­dic Technology)
